Product Categories




The product range includes:


Instruments for testing on gel cards – micromethod:

Instruments for labile product storage

Instruments for the heating of labile and infusion products

The immunohematology and transfusion testing which can be performed with the products we distribute include:

  • Determination of blood group in the ABO system both direct / globular method / Beth Vincent and indirect / serum method / Simonin
  • Determination of blood subgroups with anti-A1 and anti-H sera
  • Determination of erythrocyte antigens in systems: Rhesus, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, Lewis, MNSs, P, Lutheran; Diego, I, Colton, Vel
  • Determination of erythrocyte antigens, such as: I, i, Xga, Dia, Wra, Tja, Vel, Vw, Cob, U; Jsa, Jsb
  • Determination of the RHD factor and its weak or partial variants
  • Direct and indirect Coombs tests
  • Determination, identification and titration of anti-erythrocyte antibodies
  • Compatibility tests between donor and recipient of labile blood products
  • Identification of the specificity of immunoglobulins that can sensitize erythrocytes in vivo: IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C3c, C3d, C4
  • Tests to determine the risk of hemolysis according to the affinity or subclass of immunoglobulins (IgG1 and IgG3) that sensitize erythrocytes in vivo

Internal Quality Control for testing in:

  • Determination of ABO group, Rh(D) positive, Rh(D) weak, Rh(D) negative,
  • Extended Rh-Kell phenotype,
  • Detection and identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies,
  • Direct Coombs,
  • TCI compatibility.

External Quality Control for:

  • Determination of ABO group, Rh(D) positive, Rh(D) weak, Rh(D) negative,
  • Extended Rh-Kell phenotype,
  • Detection and identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies,
  • Direct Coombs,
  • TCI, TE and TS compatibility.