The product range includes:
- Reagents for conventional testing methods
- Reagents for testing on gel cards – micromethod (CAT – column agglutination technique)
Instruments for testing on gel cards – micromethod:
- Simple Line (centrifuge, incubator, accessories);
- Banjo result reader and archiving system;
- Centrifuge with Saxo incorporated reader;
- IH500 automated system;
- IH1000 automated system.
Instruments for labile product storage
Instruments for the heating of labile and infusion products
The immunohematology and transfusion testing which can be performed with the products we distribute include:
- Determination of blood group in the ABO system both direct / globular method / Beth Vincent and indirect / serum method / Simonin
- Determination of blood subgroups with anti-A1 and anti-H sera
- Determination of erythrocyte antigens in systems: Rhesus, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, Lewis, MNSs, P, Lutheran; Diego, I, Colton, Vel
- Determination of erythrocyte antigens, such as: I, i, Xga, Dia, Wra, Tja, Vel, Vw, Cob, U; Jsa, Jsb
- Determination of the RHD factor and its weak or partial variants
- Direct and indirect Coombs tests
- Determination, identification and titration of anti-erythrocyte antibodies
- Compatibility tests between donor and recipient of labile blood products
- Identification of the specificity of immunoglobulins that can sensitize erythrocytes in vivo: IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C3c, C3d, C4
- Tests to determine the risk of hemolysis according to the affinity or subclass of immunoglobulins (IgG1 and IgG3) that sensitize erythrocytes in vivo
Internal Quality Control for testing in:
- Determination of ABO group, Rh(D) positive, Rh(D) weak, Rh(D) negative,
- Extended Rh-Kell phenotype,
- Detection and identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies,
- Direct Coombs,
- TCI compatibility.
External Quality Control for:
- Determination of ABO group, Rh(D) positive, Rh(D) weak, Rh(D) negative,
- Extended Rh-Kell phenotype,
- Detection and identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies,
- Direct Coombs,
- TCI, TE and TS compatibility.